Precast Panel Installation Completion


M1 Business Park


20th June 2024


Completion of Precast Panels

We are pleased to present the latest construction updates for the M1 Business Park.

Project Milestone: Completion of Precast Panel Erection

We are delighted to announce that a significant milestone has been achieved: the erection of all precast panels is now complete.

Stage 4:

Stage 4 has seen the installation of the final concrete slabs and precast panels for warehouses 10, 11, 12, 2, and 3. Our team is immensely proud of the builder's success in reaching this stage. With all panels now installed, the project's full scale is visible, highlighting a level of private industrial construction previously unseen in Moe or Newborough.

Stage 3:

Current activities within Stage 3 on warehouses 13, 14, 19, 20, and 21 include:

- Installation of sisalation

- Installation of roofing sheets

- Installation of roofing box gutters

- Installation of mezzanines to warehouses 13 and 14

The focus is now on completing roofing works.

Stage 2:

Current activities within Stage 2 on warehouses 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,22 include:

All roofing sheets and box gutters have been successfully installed, signalling the nearing completion of the roofing works.

Construction works now focus on;

- Installation of entry window frames and glazing

- Delivery and installation of roller doors

- Carpentry works to internal bathrooms

- Services installation, including electrical and plumbing works throughout each unit.

- WH1 street façade works including boxed cladding and painting works.

Stage 1:

Current activities within Stage 1 on warehouses 23 through to 33 include:

- Connection of box gutters to downpipes and the stormwater system

- Plastering to all bathrooms

- Services installation, including electrical and plumbing works throughout each unit.

Additionally, car parking concreting works for Stage 1 have commenced, with the first pour on June 17th and the second scheduled for June 24th. Once these works are completed, external painting and the installation of composite timber feature battens will commence.

Upcoming General Construction Works:

- Connection of civil services, including water, electricity, and sewage systems, to Stage 2 and 3 warehouses.

- Progression to construction of concrete works to car parking outside of Stage 2 and Stage 3.


We are committed to keeping you informed as the development progresses and appreciate your interest and support.

Thank you for your continued support and confidence in our project. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.





Stage 3 Precast Panels